Cabergoline 0.5 mg

(1 customer review)


Active Ingredient Cabergoline
Treatment Treat High levels of prolactin
Manufacturer Care Formulation Labs Pvt Ltd
Packaging 4 Tablets in 1 Strip
Strength 0.5 Mg

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Cabergoline 0.5mg
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Cabergoline is a medication that treats high levels of prolactin in your blood. A hormone called prolactin makes milk, helps some breast tissue grow, and causes breastfeeding. If your prolactin level is too high, you might not get your periods on time, or you might not be able to get an erection. The brand name of this medication is Dostinex®.

➥ What is cabergoline 0.5 mg?

Cabergoline 0.5mg prevents the production of a chemical called prolactin. Prolactin is involved in many bodily functions, such as making milk after giving birth. So, cabergoline can help stop or lower milk production when it’s needed for medical reasons.

Prolactinomas cause people to have high amounts of prolactin. It is a growth in the pituitary gland that is not dangerous. Many signs can happen, such as headaches, changes in the breasts, and less fertility. Medication that stops the production of prolactin, like cabergoline Pills, can be used to safely treat prolactinomas. Treatment normally lasts a long time in these situations.

cabergoline drug can be prescribed to treat Parkinson’s disease, but most people would rather have other medicines. Some cells in a small part of the brain get hurt and die in Parkinson’s disease. By making a chemical called dopamine, these brain cells usually send messages down nerves in the spinal cord. These messages tell the muscles of the body what to do.

The amount of dopamine made goes down as the cells get damaged. A low amount of dopamine in the cells in this part of the brain, along with fewer cells, slows down and changes the way nerve messages get to the muscles. This leads to the main signs of Parkinson’s disease, which are stiffness, tremors, and moving more slowly. Dopamine is released when cabergoline 0.5mg is present, which helps to ease these effects.

➥ Cabergoline used for :


➥ Before Taking cabergoline

Some drugs shouldn’t be taken by people with certain health problems, and sometimes they can be used with extra care. Because of these things, you should tell your doctor before you start taking cabergoline 0.5mg:

  • In case you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • If you have been informed that scar tissue in your abdomen, lungs, or heart.
  • If you have a heart condition or blood vessel disease.
  • If you have ever had an ulcer in your stomach.
  • Anytime your liver isn’t working right.
  • If you have a circulation problem called Raynaud’s syndrome.
  • IF you’ve ever had a major mental health issue, such as a psychotic disorder.
  • If you have a rare inherited blood disorder called porphyria.
  • If you are taking any other medicines. This includes any medicines you are taking which are available to buy without a prescription, as well as herbal and complementary medicines.


➥ Cabergoline 0.5 mg Tablet Dosage :

It is suggested that you take 0.25 mg of cabergoline twice a week to start treatment. Depending on the patient’s blood prolactin level, the dose may be raised by 0.25 mg every two weeks up to a maximum of 1 mg every two weeks. Dosage increases shouldn’t happen more often than once every four weeks, so the doctor has time to see how the patient reacts to each dose level.

If higher doses don’t help the patient any more and the patient doesn’t react well, the lowest dose that caused the best response should be used and other treatment options should be thought about. After 6 months of keeping a normal serum prolactin level, Cabergoline may be stopped. The serum prolactin level should be checked every so often to see if or when treatment with Cabergoline tablets should be started again.

  • To prevent milk production (lactation): 1 mg Cabergoline tablet on the first day after delivery.
  • To stop lactation once have started to breastfeed: 0.25 mg Cabergoline tablet every 12 hours for two days.
  • To reduce prolactin levels in other conditions: Initially take one Cabergoline 0.5 mg tablet (to be taken in two doses) spread out over a week (e.g., half a tablet on Monday and the other half of the tablet on Thursday). Dose will be increased up to a maximum dose of 4.5 mg or until have responded fully to treatment.


➥ How To Use Cabergoline 0.5 Tab?

  • Cabergoline 0.5mg should be taken by mouth, with or without food, at least twice a week, or as your doctor tells you.
  • The dose depends on your health state and how the treatment is working for you (prolactin levels). Your doctor will start you on a low amount and slowly increase it over a few months to help keep side effects to a minimum. Strictly follow the directions given by your doctor.
  • Daily use of this drug is recommended for the best results. For easier remembering, write down on a calendar the days you need to take your medicine.


prescription Of Cabergoline 0.5mg

  • Every day, check your blood sugar levels. If you notice a big change in your blood sugar level, you should call your doctor right away.
  • People who have problems with their liver or kidneys should be careful when taking these tablets and should not take them unless their doctor tells them to.
  • Some of these pills’ side effects might go away if you work out regularly, and it may also lower the amount of prolactin in your body.
  • Also, keep an eye on how well your kidneys and liver are working every day and maintain a healthy diet to avoid unpleasant circumstances later.


Cabergoline 0.5 warnings

  • Do not take Cabergoline 0.5 mg pills if you are allergic to dopamine receptor agonists or any of the ingredients that are in them. You should tell your doctor before taking the medicine.
  • Women who are pregnant are told not to take this medicine. Also, women who are pregnant or who have been pregnant should not take these tablets for at least one month after giving birth.
  • Women who are breastfeeding shouldn’t take these pills because they stop the production of breast milk.
  • Females younger than 16 years old should not use this medicine for treatment.


Side effect Of Cabergolin 0.5mg :

Cabergoline 0.5 mg pills can cause the following major and minor side effects:

  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Heartburn
  • Constipation
  • Tiredness
  • Dizziness
  • Breast pain
  • Painful menstrual periods
  • Burning sensation
  • Numbness feeling
  • Tingling sensation
  • Shortness of breath
  • Difficulty breathing when lying down
  • Cough
  • Chest pain
  • Swelling of the hands
  • Swelling of feet or ankles, or lower legs
  • Decrease in urination
  • Pain in the back, side, or groin
  • Lumps or pain in the stomach area
  • Abnormal vision

These are side effects of Cabergoline pills, and they are not a big deal if they go away. But if any of the signs get worse or last longer than expected, you should tell your doctor right away before continuing to use.

➥ Does Cabergoline Delay Periods?

Having too much prolactin can be linked to a number of health problem. When women and men both make too much prolactin, it can cause them to make too much breast milk (galactorrhoea). In addition, it can make women’s period stop or become unpredictable, and it can stop ovulation, which can make them unable to have children. So, it’s very important that you talk to your doctor about how much cabergoline medicine to take and how often to take it.

➥ Cabergoline and Sexual Health

  • Treatment for Male Orgasmic Disorder

If a man doesn’t have an orgasm during sexual action on a regular or frequent basis, this is called male orgasmic dysfunction. Having too much prolactin in the body is one of the medical condition that can make it hard for men to have sexual experience. Studie have shown that cabergoline medication may help men with sexual disorder and delayed orgasms, no matter what age they are or what caused their disorder.

➥ Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What Is The Drug Cabergoline Used For ?

For the treatment of hyperprolactinemia, Hyperprolactinemia is cause by high level of prolactin, a natural hormone that help breastfeeding women make milk but can also lead to infertility, sexual problem, and bone loss in women who aren’t breastfeeding or in men who are.

Q: How long do cabergoline side effects last ?

Cabergoline side effects can last anywhere from a few days to several weeks, depending on the individual’s response to the medication and the duration of use.

Q: Where can i buy cabergoline ?

You Can Buy cabergoline Online pharmacy Genericshub. Ensure you have a prescription from a licensed healthcare provider.

Q: How long does cabergoline stay in your system ?

The half-life of cabergoline in the pee of 12 healthy people was found to be between 63 and 69 hour. The long half-life and slower removal of cabergoline may explain why it lowers prolactin for a long time.

Q: How soon can i get pregnant after taking cabergoline ?

Women often become fertile again once they start taking cabergoline. Things like this could happen quickly, even before periods start up again.

Q: How long for Cabergoline to work ?

The effects start right away (within 3 hours) and last for a long time. Cabergoline stops the pituitary gland from making and releasing the hormone prolactin.

1 review for Cabergoline 0.5 mg

  1. maria wilson

    Cabergoline 0.5 mg has worked wonders for my hormone issues. Felt a difference pretty quickly, and my doctor is pleased with my progress. Sometimes feel a bit tired, but nothing major. Definitely recommend giving it a try!

5 Based On 1
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